Hohokam shelter
Hohokam shelter


Cotton could be made into cloth or traded to other Native American groups in Arizona. … Corn beans and squash were the main foods eaten by the Hohokam. Your role is to be your community’s expert at growing food. What did the Hohokam in the Arizona region trade? They expanded their irrigation system to channel water into their villages.


How did the Hohokam farm in the desert? built shallow canals for irrigation they planted crops in series of earthen mounds and used woven mats created dams in the canals that directed irrigation water toward the earthen crop mounds. How did the Hohokam adapt to their environment to farm quizlet? They created pueblos within canyon walls for protection. The Anasazi used the landscape to build their homes. They also became good at trade with other people.

hohokam shelter


The Hohokam lived in a desert with little rain so they figured out how to irrigate their crops. How did the Hohokam adapt to their environment?

hohokam shelter

The Southwest Archaeological Obsidian Project and Preclassic Hohokam Social Identity.Hohokam – ‘Skywatchers of the Sonoran Desert’ Wild Visions.Who were the Hohokam? | Ancient Waterways.When did the Hohokam arrive in Arizona?.What artifacts are the Hohokam people best known for?.How were the shelters of the Hohokam and Ancestral Pueblo different?.Who introduced crops into the desert Southwest?.What challenges for agriculture did the environment of the Anasazi present?.Which early North American culture adapted to their environment by building dwellings under the shelter of cliffs?.How were the Hohokam different from the Anasazi?.What did the Hohokam in the Arizona region trade?.How did the Hohokam adapt to their environment to farm quizlet?.What evidence suggests that the Hohokam culture of the American Southwest had ties with Mesoamerican culture of the period?.What exists today where the Hohokam lived?.Why did the Hohokam have to build irrigation canals to water their crops?.What are two things for which the Hohokam used these canals?.How did the Hohokam manage to grow crops in a desert?.

hohokam shelter

  • How did Anasazi adapt to their environment?.
  • How did the Hohokam adapt to the climate in the Southwest?.
  • How did the Hohokam use the land in Arizona to survive?.
  • How did the Hohokam tribe in Arizona modify their environment to sustain life?.
  • How did the Hohokam adapt to their environment?.

  • Hohokam shelter